Our kiln-dried, CCA pressure treated posts meet AWPA and CSA standards and have a life expectancy exceeding 25 years. That's the PWP difference.

Our Process

At Princeton Wood Preservers Ltd. we are dedicated to high-quality products. Our difference starts with the trees. Our timber is harvested from sustainably managed forests in British Columbia and Alberta. Working with loggers and peelers around the province, we supply roughly one million posts and rails to the Canadian, US and overseas markets every year.


Cutting To Length
Pointing & Doming

Dry-Kiln Advantage

Working with properly conditioned wood is crucial to pressure-treating. All wood products must have the natural moisture removed from the cells in order for wood preserving chemicals to penetrate. Having a kiln on-site enables the PWP process and ensures that we meet AWPA and CSA standards year-round – a central part of the PWP difference.

On-site Treating

PWP posts have a life expectancy exceeding 25 years in service. Due to our dedication to quality, PWP is the main supplier of pressure-treated post and rail products for the B.C. Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as well as Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources for game and cattle fencing projects.
Fixation & Core Sampling
One of the benefits of using CCA as a preservative is the ability to immobilize the chemical in the wood. The “fixation” process is unique to CCA and prevents it from leaching into the soil while ensuring a long-lasting product. Core sampling every charge helps PWP ensure we’re meeting chemical penetration targets on our products. Cores are sent to two labs for retention testing and quality control.